Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] D’Anastas, Anthea-Marie. 'Rape' in the mid 19th century Malta: Historico-legal aspects in 1844-1864, before and after the promulgation of the Criminal Code 1854. LL.B. Thesis, L-Università ta' Malta, 2018.

[Info] D'Antonio, Débora. »Políticas de desarticulación de la subjetividad sexual y de género practicadas en la cárcel de Villa Devoto durante última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983).« Estudios No. 25 (2011): 159-174.

[Info] D'Antonio, Michael. Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal. New York 2013.

[Info] D'Antonio, Michael. Grzechy ?miertelne: Przest?pstwa seksualne i epoka skandalu w Ko?ciele katolickim. Warsaw 2017.

[Info] D'Antonio, Oliver, et al. »Andere Perspektiven, neue Fronten: Die Verdrängung der Pädophilie-Debatte ab den 1980er Jahren.« Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. Göttingen 2015: 228-251.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Approaching the History of Rape and Sexual Violence: Notes towards research.« Women's History Review 1 (1992): 377-397.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. Crimes of Outrage: Sex, violence and Victorian working women. London 1998.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. Crimes of Outrage: Sex, violence and Victorian working women. DeKalb 1998.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Sex, Violence and Local Courts: Working-Class Respectability in a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Lancashire Town.« British Journal of Criminology 39 (1999): 39-55.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Protection, Harm and Social Evil: The Age of Consent, c. 1885-c. 1940.« Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives on State Power and Violence. Edited by John T. Parry. Amsterdam 2006: 31-45.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Protection, Harm and Social Evil: The Age of Consent since 1885.« Evil, Law and the State: Issues in State Power and Violence. Edited by Istar Gozaydin et al. Oxford 2006: 187-195.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Sexual violence in history: a contemporary heritage?« Handbook on Sexual Violence. Edited by Jennifer M. Brown et al. New York 2012: 23-51.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Sexual violence since 1750.« The Routledge History of Sex and the Body: 1500 to the Present. Edited by Sarah Toulalan et al. New York 2013: 444-459.

[Info] D’Emilio, John, et al. »A Feminist Redefinition of Rape and Sexual Assault: Historical Foundations and Change.« Journal of Social Issues 48 (1992): 9-22.

[Info] D’Emilio, John, et al. »A feminist redefinition of rape and sexual assault. Historical foundations and change.« The other Americans. Sexual variance in the national past. Edited by Charles O. Jackson. Westport 1996: 191-203.

[Info] D’Emilio, John, et al. »Since Intimate Matters: Recent Developments in the History of Sexuality in the United States.« Journal of Women's History 25 (2013): 88-100.

[Info] da Costa, Mariana C. »Ursamaior, de Mário Cláudio: Sete Estrelas, Um Corpo Cadente.« Abril 9 (2017): 127-138.

[Info] da Cruz, Aline C., et al. »Estupro e lei do minuto seguinte em Minas Gerais, Brasil: fatores sociodemográficos associados às profilaxias de emergência.« Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 29 (2024): 1-9.

[Info] da Silvia, Antonio M. »Little Adults: Child and Teenage Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema.« Hispania 99 (2016): 212-222.

[Info] da Silva, Felipe S., et al. »A exaustiva fórmula reencenada: Ambiguidade no corpo do texto e das personagens de Tarântula de Thierry Jonquet e A pele que habito de Pedro Almodóvar.« Revista Letras Raras 6 (2017): 135-149.

[Info] Daalder, Joost. »Shakespeare’s The Rape of LucreceExplicator 55 (1997): 195-197.

[Info] Dachicourt, Clémence. Violences sexuelles et sexuées dans les années 1960-1970. Mémoire de master recherche 2e année, Université Rouen, 2009.

[Info] Dack, Mikkel. »Crimes committed by soviet soldiers against German civilians, 1944-1945.« Journal of military and strategic studies 10 (2008).

[Info] Dackweiler, Regina-Maria. »Staatlichkeit, Gewalt und Geschlecht: Bekämpfung von (sexueller) Gewalt im sozialen Nahbereich als Staatsaufgabe.« Kritische Justiz 45 (2012): 70-88.

[Info] Dagistanli, Selda. »‘Like a pack of wild animals’: Moral panics around ‘ethnic’ gang rape in Sydney.« Outrageous! Moral Panics in Australia. Edited by Scott Poynting et al. Hobart 2007: 181-195.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »BeFreier und Befreite? Vergewaltigung als Symboldelikt im deutsch-deutschen Diskurs nach 1989.« GDR bulletin 25 (1998): 39-44.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »BeFreier und Befreite? Vergewaltigung als Symboldelikt im deutsch-deutschen Diskurs nach 1989.« Kassensturz. Politische Hypotheken der Berliner Republik. Edited by Ursula Kreft et al. Duisburg 1998: 85-98.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »"Frau komm!" Vergewaltigungen 1945. Zur Geschichte eines Diskurses.« LiteraturGesellschaft DDR. Kanonkämpfe und ihre Geschichte(n). Edited by Birgit Dahlke et al. Stuttgart 2000: 275-311.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »Tagebuch des Überlebens: Vergewaltigungen 1945 in ost- und westdeutschen Autobiographien.« Autobiography by Women in German. Edited by Mererid P. Davies et al. Frankfurt/Main 2000: 195-212.

[Info] Daileader, Celia R. Eroticism on the Renaissance stage. Transcendence, desire, and the limits of the visible. Cambridge 1998.

[Info] Daileader, Celia R. »“Writing Rape, Raping Rites”: Shakespeare’s and Middleton’s Lucrece Poems.« Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. Edited by Joseph P. Ward. New York 2008: 67-89.

[Info] Dalager, Nancy, et al. »The Role of Sexual Assault on the Risk of PTSD among Gulf War Veterans.« Annals of Epidemiology 15 (2005): 191-195.

[Info] Dalbo, George. »Why Don't Talk about Rape? Teaching about Sexual Violence in Genocide.« Teaching about Genocide: Insights and Advice from Secondary Teachers and Professors. Vol. 1. Edited by Samuel Totten. Lanham 2018: 61-68.

[Info] Dalcin, Bruno L., et al. »Abuso sexual em crianças e adolescentes: revisão de 100 anos de literaturas.« Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica 33 (2006): 204-213.

[Info] Dale, Kathryn A., et al. »Hiding Behind the Cloth: Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 16 (2007): 59-74.

[Info] Dalessandro, Melissa, et al. »A Preliminary Step Towards Evaluating the Impact of Megan's Law: A Trend Analysis of Sexual Offenses in New Jersey from 1985 to 2005.« Justice Research and Policy 10 (2008): 1-18.

[Info] Dalke, Anne. »Original vice. The political implications of incest in the early American novel.« Early American literature 23 (1988): 188-201.

[Info] Dall'Orto, Giovanni. »Farnese, Pier Luigi.« Who's Who in Gay & Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War II. Edited by Robert Aldrich et al. London 2001: 158-159.

[Info] Dalley, Lana L., et al., eds. »Victorian Literature in the Age of #MeToo.« 2020.

[Info] Dalley, Lana L., et al. »Victorian Literature in the Age of #MeToo: An Introduction.« Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 16.2 (2020).

[Info] Dalton, Anne B. »‘This is obscene’. Female voyeurism, sexual abuse, and maternal power in The DoveReview of contemporary fiction 13 (1993): 117-139.

[Info] Dalton, Anne B. »The devil and the virgin. Writing sexual abuse in Incidents in the Life of a Slave GirlViolence, silence, and anger. Women’s writing as transgression. Edited by Deirdre Lashgari. Charlottesville 1995: 38-61.

[Info] Daly, Brenda O. »Father-daughter incest in Hadley Irwin’s Abby, My Love. Repairing the effects of childhood sexual abuse during the adolescent years.« Children’s Literature Association quarterly 17 (1992): 5-11.

[Info] Daly, Martin. »Evolutionary Perspectives on Sex, Gender, and Crime.« The Oxford Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Crime. Edited by Rosemary Gartner et al. Oxford 2014: 245-259.

[Info] Da Mota, Sara O. Sexual Violence against women in armed conflict: The Yazidi genocide. Master's Thesis, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2023.

[Info] Damsgård, Torben. »En skygge på væggen. Skam og ære i 1500-tallets Malmö.« Historie No. 1 (2001): 32-53.

[Info] Damsholt, Nanna. »Women in medieval Denmark. A study of rape.« Danish medieval history. New currents. A symposium held in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the University of Copenhagen. Vol. 1. Edited by Niels Skyum-Nielsen et al. Copenhagen 1981: 71-93.

[Info] Dancus, Adriana M. »Reenacting Rape in Édouard Louis’s History of ViolenceTerrorizing Images: Trauma and Ekphrasis in Contemporary Literature Edited by Charles I. Armstrong et al. Berlin 2020: 101-116.

[Info] Dane, Gesa. »In Krieg und Frieden. Vergewaltigung in der Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts.« Bausteine zu einer Verhaltenstheorie des Rechts. Edited by Fritjof Haft et al. Baden-Baden 2001: 270-277.

[Info] Dane, Gesa. »Frauenraub, Entehrung, Notzucht: zu Lessings Emilia Galotti (1772) und Schillers Die Verschwörung des Fiesko zu Genua (1783).« Unzucht, Notzucht, Vergewaltigung. Definitionen und Deutungen sexueller Gewalt von der Aufklärung bis heute. Edited by Christine Künzel. Frankfurt/Main 2003: 89-98.

[Info] Dane, Gesa. »Zwischen den Zeilen – hinter den Kulissen: Zur literarischen Darstellung von Vergewaltigung.« Frauen und Gewalt: Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen zu geschlechtsgebundener Gewalt in Theorie und Praxis. Edited by Antje Hilbig et al. Würzburg 2003: 187-195.

[Info] Dane, Gesa. »Zeter und Mordio«: Vergewaltigung in Literatur und Recht. Göttingen 2005.

[Info] Dani, Maide. The Right to Engage or Refrain: A qualitative study on the debate regarding sexual crime legislation in Sweden since 1965. Bachelor Thesis, Malmö universitet, 2019.

[Info] Daniel, Emory S. A game that cannot be won. Media framing of the Duke lacrosse rape scandal. M.A. Thesis, 2010.

[Info] Daniel-Wrabetz, Joana. »Children Born of War Rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.« Born of War: Protecting Children of Sexual Violence Survivors in Conflict Zones. Edited by R. Charli Carpenter. Bloomfield 2007: 21-39.

[Info] Danielová, Dorota. Korea za japonské okupace v dob? 2. sv?tové války. Bakalá?ská Práce, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2010.

[Info] Danielsson, Sarah K. »Introduction: War and Sexual Violence – New Perspectives in a New Era.« War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Paderborn 2019: 1-14.

[Info] Danielsson, Sarah K., ed. War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Paderborn 2019.

[Info] Danna, Daniela. »Sex, Religion, and the Law.« A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Modern Age. Edited by Gert Hekma. London 2011: 105-125.

[Info] Danner, Mark. »The truth of El Mozote.« New Yorker (December 6, 1993).

[Info] Danner, Mark. The massacre at El Mozote. A parable of the Cold War. New York 1994.

[Info] Dantika Lavinia Zafarayana. »Militer dalam kejahatan perang terhadap Indonesia tahun 1942 - 1945 studi kasus: Perbudakan seksual wanita Indonesia.« Journal of International Relations 5 (2019): 235-243.

[Info] Danuweli, Cecilia, et al. »Women War Survivors of the 1989-2003 Conflict in Liberia: The Impact of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence.« Journal of International Women's Studies 12 (2011): 1-21.

[Info] Daopoulo, Rony, et al. Un processo per stupro. Dal programma della rete due della televisione italiana. Turin 1980.

[Info] Darcy, Eamon. The world of Thomas Ward: Sex and scandal in late seventeenth-century Co. Antrim. Dublin 2016.

[Info] Darby, T.L. »Resistance to rape in Persiles y Sigismunda and The Custom of the CountryModern language review 90 (1995): 273-284.

[Info] Dardis, Christina M., et al. »Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change.« Sex Roles 65 (2011): 761-773.

[Info] Dardis, Christina M., et al. »Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change.« Sex Matters: The Sexuality and Society Reader. Fourth Edition. Edited by Mindy Stombler et al. New York 2013.

[Info] Dargun, Lothar. Mutterrecht und Raubehe und ihre Reste im germanischen Recht und Leben. Breslau 1883.

[Info] Darling, John, et al. »Rousseau on the Education, Domination and Violation of Women.« British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (1994): 115-132.

[Info] Darrow, Margaret H. French Women and the First World War: War Stories of the Home Front. Oxford 2000.

[Info] Darsonville, Audrey. »« Dissiper les ténèbres », une proposition de justice restaurative.« Les violences sexuelles dans l'Église. Retour sur les travaux de la CIASE. Edited by Thomas Boullu et al. Strasbourg 2023: 39-56.

[Info] Darvill Mills, Janis J. Early Modern Legal Poetics and Morality 1560-1625. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sussex, 2011.

[Info] Das, Rabindra. »The Exploitation of Women Projected in Amrita Pritam's PinjarAkshara Nos. 11-12 (2019-2020): 29-33.

[Info] Dasari, Narendra B., et al. »Culture, Gender, Language and Literature: Parallel Observation in the Indian Literature and British.« EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 10 (2024): 902-904.

[Info] Da?tan, Vesile N. The Use of Sexual and Gender Based Violence as a War Strategy in Bosnian War. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, 2019.

[Info] Dauphin, Cécile, et al., eds. De la violence et des femmes. Paris 1997.

[Info] David, Alfred. »Chaucer’s Adams.« Retelling tales. Essays in honor of Russell Peck. Edited by Thomas Hahn et al. Cambridge 1997: 61-72.

[Info] David, Jean-Lou. La représentation de la violence sexuelle faite aux femmes dans l'œuvre de Guy de Maupassant. Thèse, Université d'Ottawa, 2019.

[Info] David, Matthias, et al. »Sexually assaulted women: Results of a retrospective analysis of 850 women in Germany.« European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 (2020): 117-123.

[Info] David, Paula, et al. »Buried Words: A Forum on sexuality, violence and Holocaust testimonies.« Holocaust Studies (May 15, 2021).

[Info] Davidson, Richard M. »Did David Rape Bathsheba? A Case Study in Narrative Theology.« Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 17 (2006): 81-95.

[Info] Davidson, Roger. Dangerous liaisons. A social history of venereal disease in twentieth-century Scotland. Amsterdam 2000.

[Info] Davidson, Roger. »"This pernicious delusion". Law, medicine, and child sexual abuse in early-twentieth-century Scotland.« Journal of the history of sexuality 10 (2001): 62-77.

[Info] Davidson, Ronald A., et al. »“Mom, I want to come home”: Geographies of compound displacement, violence and longing.« Geoforum 109 (2020): 78-85.

[Info] Davies, Alice L. Reading Between the Blurred Lines: A discussion into the representation of rape and rape culture in contemporary fiction. M.A. Thesis, University of Chester, 2013.

[Info] Davies, Emma, et al. »Child abuse in England and Wales 2003–2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality.« Journalism 18 (2017): 754-771.

[Info] Davies, John. 'My Name Is Not Natasha': How Albanian Women in France Use Trafficking to Overcome Social Exclusion (1998-2001). Amsterdam 2009.

[Info] Davies, Nick. White lies. Rape, murder, and justice Texas style. New York 1991.

[Info] Davies, Russell. Secret sins. Sex, violence and society in Carmarthenshire 1870-1920. Cardiff 1996.

[Info] Davis, Adrienne D. »Slavery and the Roots of Sexual Harassment.« Directions in Sexual Harassment Law. Edited by Catherine A. MacKinnon et al. New Haven 2004: 457-478.

[Info] Davis, Andrew P., et al. »Safe at home? Examining the extension of criminal penalties for marital rape in cross-national context, 1979–2013.« Law & Society Review 58 (2024): 126-148.

[Info] Davis, Angela Y. Women, race, and class. New York 1981.

[Info] Davis, Burke. Our Incredible Civil War. New York 1960.

[Info] Davis, Deborah. The Children of God. The inside story. Grand Rapids 1984.

[Info] Davis, Fiona. »“I Fought. I Screamed. I Bit”: The Assertion of Rights Within Historic Abuse Inquiry Transcripts.« Journal of Australian Studies 42 (2018): 217-230.

[Info] Davis, Flora. Moving the mountain. The women’s movement in America since 1960. New York 1991.

[Info] Davis, Flora. Moving the mountain. The women’s movement in America since 1960. Urbana 1999.

[Info] Davis, Howard. »The performance of shock and the ubiquity of cover-up.« British Society of Criminology Newsletter No. 71 (2012): 21-24.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. Shades of justice. The lynching of Jesse James Payne and its aftermath. M.A. Thesis, University of South Florida 1989.

[Info] Davis, Jack E. »"Whitewash" in Florida. The lynching of Jesse James Payne and its aftermath.« Florida historical quarterly 68 (1990): 277-298.

[Info] Davis, Jessica. »War of the Vulva: The Women of Otto Dix’s Lustmord Series.« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by R. Boddice et al. London 2022.

[Info] Davis, Joseph E. Structures of innocence. Sexual abuse, psychotherapy, and the construction of moral meanings. Ann Arbor 1998.

[Info] Davis, Nick. »A history of sexual violence: On rape and assault as Cronenberg tropes.« New Review of Film and Television Studies 15 (2017): 181-190.

[Info] Davis, Stacey A. The 1991 Tailhook Scandal: A Narrative Analysis of Military, Media and Survivor Accounts of Military Sexual Assault. M.S. Thesis, San Diego State University, 2016.

[Info] Davis, Suzanne L. »Social and scientific influences on the study of children’s suggestibility. A historical perspective.« Child maltreatment 3 (1998): 186-194.

[Info] Davis, Thomas J. »Patriarchy, politics, and power. The law, rape, race, and reality in slavery and segregation.« Journal of African American history 91 (2006): 73-80.

[Info] Davis, Virginia, et al. »Sex Offender Registration in Indian Country.« Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law (2008): 3-23.

[Info] Davis, William A., Jr. »The rape of Tess. Hardy, English law, and the case for sexual assault.« Nineteenth-century literature 52 (1997): 221-231.

[Info] Davis-Siegel, James C., et al. »Measurement Matters: Comparing Old and New Definitions of Rape in Federal Statistical Reporting.« Sexual Abuse (2014).

[Info] Davison, Eve H., et al. »Women at War: The Crucible of Vietnam.« SSM - Population Health (January 2017).

[Info] Dawson, Anthony B. »Women Beware Women and the economy of rape.« Studies in English literature, 1500-1900 27 (1987): 303-320.

[Info] Dawson, Myrna. »Punishing femicide: Criminal justice responses to the killing of women over four decades.« Current Sociology (November 9, 2015).

[Info] Day, Aviah S., et al. »Moral Panic in the Media: Scapegoating South Asian Men in Cases of Sexual Exploitation and Grooming.« Gendered Domestic Violence and Abuse in Popular Culture. Edited by Shulamit Ramon et al. Bingley 2020: 171-197.

[Info] Dayan-Gabayc, Odelia, et al. »Taboo and dynamic framing in the media coverage of gang rape: The Ayia Napa case.« Sociological Spectrum (December 27, 2023).

[Info] Dayton, Cornelia H. Women before the bar. Gender, law, and society in Connecticut, 1710-1790. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1986.

[Info] Dayton, Cornelia H. Women before the bar. Gender, law, and society in Connecticut, 1639-1789. Chapel Hill 1995.

[Info] de Abreu, Alcinda A. »Mozambican Women Experiencing Violence.« What Women Do in Wartime: Gender and Conflict in Africa. Edited by Meredeth Turshen et al. London 1998: 73-84.

[Info] de Araujo, Beatriz A. »Violência sexual em conflitos armados: História e desfios.« Alabastro 1 (2016): 6-17.

[Info] de Beer, Anna-Marie, et al. »Shadows of life, death and survival in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide.« Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 52 (2015): 113-130.

[Info] De Block, Andreas, et al. »Pathologizing Sexual Deviance: A History.« Journal of Sex Research 50 (2013): 276-298.

[Info] De Boer, Katherine R. Verbera, Catenae, Concubitus: Slaves, Violence and Vulnerability in Ovid's Amores. M.A. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al., eds. The Men Who Killed Me: Rwandan Survivors of Sexual Violence. Vancouver 2009.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al., eds. De mannen die mij hebben vermoord: Rwandese overlevenden van seksueel geweld. Nijmegen 2011.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al. »Tragedy and Triumph: Rwandan Women's Resilience in the Face of Sexual Violence.« Amsterdam Law Forum 3 (2011): 203-205.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al. »The Legacy of the Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: Survivors's Views.« International Criminal Law Review 13 (2013): 937-976.

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[Info] De Bruyker, Melissa. »Narratologie der Vergewaltigung. Der Erzähler und die Ikonografie der Tochter in Joseph Roths "Hiob".« Zeitschrift für Germanistik 16 (2006): 77-88.

[Info] De Bruyn, Yannice. »‘Help! Help! War wants to rape me!’: War and Rape in a Dutch Peace Play of 1678.« Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41 (2018): 489-509.

[Info] de Bury, R. »L’affaire La Roncière.« Mercure de France 28 (1898): 396-406.

[Info] de Coninck-Smith, Ning. »Pedophilia.« Encyclopedia of rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 146-147.

[Info] De Hart, Jane S. »Policy history, gender history, and interactive learning.« History teacher 31 (1997): 33-59.

[Info] De Jong, Wim. »Goon Squad Democracy? The Rise of Vigilant Citizenship through Victim Support and Neighborhood Watches in Amsterdam (1980-1990).« Journal of Urban History (April 28, 2021).

[Info] de la Concha, Ángeles. »Mitos culturales y violencia sexual. Estaciones en la pasión de la mujer según Angela Carter.« Atlantis 15 (1993): 91-116.

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